| Visitatio sepulchri (Schola Georgiana, Schola Gregoriana) Supraphon 1992, 111562-2931 |
 | Office des morts — Messe de la Toussaint (SGP & Choeur Gregorien de Paris) Jade 1993, CGPFF 9305
 | Bohemorum sancti Czech Saints in Holy Jerusalem Supraphon 1994, SU 0003-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (October 1996), 10 de Repertoire (December 1996)
 | Rosa mystica Devotion to the Virgin Mary in Medieval Bohemia Supraphon 1995, SU 0194-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (October 1996), „Golden Harmony“ Award for the best Czech recording of the year 1995
 | In Pragensi Ecclesia Christmas at Prague’s Cathedral During the Reign og Charles IV Supraphon 1996, SU 3191-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (July 1997)
 | Anno Domini 997 Millenium of Devotion to Saint Adalbert Supraphon 1997, SU 3288-2231 |
 | Liturgical Year Supraphon 1997, SU 3271-2231 Tip of Harmony Award (January 1998) |
 | Antica e moderna Plainchant for the Feast of the Consecration of the Temple, Petr Eben: Suita liturgica (together with P. Eben) Supraphon 1998, SU 3373-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (May 1999)
 | Codex Franus Repertory of the Czech Utraquists from the beginning of the 16th century Supraphon 1999, SU 3407-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (October 1999), Harmony Award 1999 |
 | Adoratio crucis Devotion of the Cross (SGP & Czech Boys’ Choir Boni pueri) Supraphon 2000, SU 3448-2231 |
 | Ach, homo fragilis Sacred lyricism in late medieval Bohemia Supraphon 2002, SU 3623-2231 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (March 2003)
 | Adam Vaclav Michna Missa III., Vesperae BMV, Litaniae (SGP & Societas Incognitorum)
Rosa 2004, RD 1161 |
 | Maiestas Dei Medieval Polyphony in the Work of Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz Supraphon 2005, SU 3807-2 Choc du Monde de la Musique Award (September 2005)
 | Vepres pour Sainte Marie Madeleine
Plainchant and contemporary music
(SGP & Arsys Bourgogne)
Universal Music 2006, 4769939 |
 | Salve Mater, Salve Jesu
(SGP & Capilla Flamenca & B. M. Willi)
Et'Cetera 2007, KTC 1346 |
 | Close Voices from Far-away (SGP & the choir of Japan Buddhist monks Gyosan-ryu Tendai Shomyo) SONY BMG 2007, 82876873042 |
 | Dialogues
The dialog between the human voice and violoncello spans from the plainchant and the early polyphony to the contemporary music
(SGP & Jiri Barta) Supraphon 2010, SU 4009-2 |
 | Adventus Domini
Advent mass Rorate from Czech archives from the 15th and 16th centuries
Supraphon 2011, SU 4071-2 |
 | Carolus IV.
Music from the period of the Roman emperor and Czech king Charles IV.
(SGP & Hana Blazikova, Jakub Kydlicek) Supraphon/ArteVisio 2015, SU 4193-2 |